jeudi 2 janvier 2014

☽Ce que j'aime en ce moment☾

Mattage du moment :

Livre du moment : 

Envie du moment : 

Image du net du moment : 

1 commentaire:

  1. Hey girl! You follow my old blog that I just changed the URL to. I was going through my blog followers so I could make sure I followed whomever was following me. It looks like I was already following your blog. I was wondering why you never popped up in my blog feed. Looks like you don't really blog anymore. I hope sometime you do! My new blog URL is you may have to unfollow my "Decayla" blog and re follow on that new URL if you would like to still follow. Some people may not have gotten the message I posted on my old blog about the new URL. I do appreciate you following the old blog and look forward to seeing your new posts! Thank you!
